Ten Thousand

July 07, 2021

I have officially use Zeku 10,000 times (the lady on CFN (capcom fighters network) told me that). Shortly after, I reached the rank of Grand Master. Malcom Gladwell wrote a book called “Outliers” that introduced the “10,000 hour rule” where it explains that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become proficient at something. This concept can be applied to SFV to become better. Although I noticed that I reached a plateau before and the game-changer for me was when I started applying deliberate practice.

Physical Practice

What Why How
Hand Excerciser Improve hitbox dexterity During walks I press down with each step and try different rhythms
Anti-Air Training Improve overall game Necalli V-Trigger whiff buttons and random jump 2.5/5/7.5/10/15 secs
Working Out Boost energy/mood Gym atleast 3 times a week

Mental Practice

What Why How
Reading books Include concepts outside of my day-to-day thinking Read “Atomic Habits” and “Grit”
Playing Chess Improve strategy/decision making Chess.com
Daily Journal Entry Keep track of progress Google docs journal entry every day I play SFV